Masters student at
Cornell Tech
Top languages
Main tools
- Pandas
- Scikit-learn
- Plotly (D3)
About Me
Predicting Service Level Agreement (SLA) Violations for NYC 311
Classifying the likelihood that government agencies meet response time commitments for 311 complaints, a 'hotline' that users can dial to submit service requests for government agencies to address.
- Status: live
- Python
- Plotly
- Scikit-learn
- XGBoost
- SQL (SoQL)
Fine-Tuning a Vision Transformer for Detection and Classification of AI-Generated Images
Identifying whether an image is authentic (created by a human) or generated by one of a series of text-to-image AI generators (i.e., Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and DALL-E) by fine-tuning a pre-trained vision transformer (Swin-Tiny) to tackle a multiclass classification problem.
- Status: live
- Python
- PyTorch
- Hugging Face
Event Planning App
Web application to create and track details of upcoming events and vacations.
- Status: live
- JS
- Express
- React
- Tailwind
Serverless Scraping of Solar Irradiance Data
The NREL Measurement and Instrumentation Data Center (MIDC) tracks granular solar and meteorological trends down to the minute at a station in Golden, CO. This automated crawler scrapes the data into a Postgres instance by leveraging AWS resources.
- Python
- PostgreSQL
- Scrapy
- Serverless
- AWS Lambda
DFFNN Binary Classifier
Implemention of a generic deep feedforward neural network (DFFNN), or multi-layer perceptron (MLP), to tackle binary classification problems. Collated from a series of assignments from Andrew Ng's ( ) Deep Learning Specialization.
- Status: live
- Python
- Neural Networks
K-Means Clustering of Solar Irradiance Profiles (Undergraduate Thesis)
Modelling the performance of near-UV organic solar cells under meteorologically representative spectral irradiances. Data was queried from the NSRDB (National Solar Radiation Database) API maintained by NREL.
- Status: live
- Python
- k-means clustering
- Scikit-learn
- Pandas