Hello, World.
November 14, 2020
Welcome to my first post! I will use this space to outline a roadmap of sorts for the direction of this platform. Hopefully, I can introduce and document my interests here as I explore them (or fall valiantly short of following through).
If you're here for an expertly designed and thoughtfully curated series of insightful narratives, it'd be my pleasure to swiftly redirect you to the New York Times. Better yet, if you know me personally, and are wondering how this plebe got this far building his own web app, feel free to follow through on your plans to spam my inbox anyway.
I'm Kim - a Data Scientist at CKM Analytix in New York. I'm Dutch, and grew up largely in the Middle East, but if you took a peek at my profile you may guess correctly that I'm of Chinese descent. I studied Chemical and Biological Engineering in college, and definitely remember at least 13% of my coursework.
While there, I developed an abiding interest in data science, particularly when framed in the context of sustainability and renewable energy. For the time being, I'll revisit some of those themes, and attempt to touch upon different lessons I've picked up along the way. I would like to take this opportunity to have ownership over an entire data science lifecycle. To that end, there'll be some ETL pipelines to build, some vanilla exploratory data analysis (EDA) to conduct, and even a series on clean energy innovators and the important contributions they're making.
I initially created this website to gain some hands-on experience in fundamental concepts of frontend development. Now, I think it'll also serve as a good sandbox for me to present my explorations in an accessible, engaging and semi-focused manner. After all, I'm a firm believer in telling stories through visualized data. If we discover some truths about the world, that's a bonus. What's that George Box quote again?
All models are wrong, but some are useful.
I certainly ascribed to that in middle school when I reported experimental results with an uncertainty of +/- 130%. Transparency is key.
If you've made it this far, and aren't tired of my floundering, feel free to get in touch and float me any feedback / ideas you may have!